Martie Rison
- *
- Topeka, KS *
- (785) 633-1346
Topics: Topeka History, Social Media Content marketing, Social Media Strategy, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Building Team Morale with Social Media, The Power of Content that Tells a Story
Fee Range: Fees are negotiated depending ont he organization and length of the presentation or workshop.
Contact Details: Martie would prefer 2 weeks' notice, but can put together a presentation in 2-3 days. PowerPoint presenations are clean, easy to follow and entertaining. Presentations range anywhere from 15 minutes to 90 minutes. She'll be available after the presentation ot answer questions and interact with attendees.
Organizations she’s worked with in the past include:
- St. Francis Health community events
- Friends of the Free State Capital
- Shawnee County Historical Society
- Association of Women Entrepreneurs
- Visit Topeka, Downtown Topeka Inc.
- Downtown Topeka Advertising Cooperative Association
- Great Topeka Bike Festival
- American Advertising Federation Topeka
Martie Rison makes her presentations lively and entertaining by working in humor and memorable hands-on experiences.When she isn't presenting, she works as the marketing coordinator for Mize Houser & Co. P.A., runs an onlnine antiquarian (antique) book business with her husband that can be found at and is a contributor for Seveneightfive Magazine.
She holds and MBA in marketing and has over 10 years of marketing experience. She's also the administrator for many popular Topeka focused Facebook Groups. The most notable group is the Topeka History Geeks group which as grown to over 20k members and has inspired other history geek groups across the country.